Have not been blogging because of work & mahjong & quality time with my Baby boy.
I'm feeling super lousy today! My head is pounding, my eyes feel so tired & my whole body is aching! I feel a fever coming. BOOO. I feel so sleepy!
Yesterday went to Tampines with Paul to Vio's house for my spree loot. In total, there were about 13 pieces of clothing. Wow. Lucky Baby was there to help to carry all of it. Lol. We walked around TM, & he saw this Braun Buffel wallet. Its really nice. So he bought it. Finally he changed his wallet. His old one is so tattered already. We took the train home, & on the way back, the journey is so funny & enjoyable. I truly felt happy with Baby, & I'm sure he feels the same way too. Hehehe.
Blog more another time. Tired...